Files @ 79bc84310e80
Branch filter:

Location: light9/light8/

changes from tonight's rehearsal:
changes from tonight's rehearsal:
- CueFader is closer to actually running the show, computes DMX levels
to send.
- KeyboardComposer is not a dummy. Use DMXDUMMY=1 to disable it.
- Submaster: subs can now be "temporary" -- i.e. they shouldn't be saved
or loaded. to save a temporary sub, make a copy of it with a proper name
since the computed name will be ugly.
Also, get_normalized_copy() and crossfade() methods added.
linear_fade helper (shouldn't be in Submaster, probably) added too.
- dmxchanedit: longer labels
- cuelist1 now has some bogus data in it and some crap removed
- dmxclient: now listens to the $DMXHOST and $DMXDUMMY env variables.
- patchdata: now up to date with this year's show
- danshow subs song{01..19}: removed. maybe we'll re-add them in an
archive directory.
from __future__ import nested_scopes

from Tix import *
from signal import signal, SIGINT
from uihelpers import *
from Fader import Fader
from Lightboard import Lightboard
import time # time is on our side

if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    DUMMY = 0
    print "Light 8.8: This is the real thing, baby"
    window_title = "Light 8.8 (On Air)"
    DUMMY = 1
    print "Light 8.8: Dummy mode"
    window_title = "Light 8.8 (Bogus)"

root = Tk()

if not DUMMY:
    # this turns the parportdmx from dummy to live
    print "Light 8.8: Preparing DMX interface..."

print "Light 8.8: And Mr. Lightboard"
mr_lightboard = Lightboard(root,DUMMY)
# root.tk_setPalette('gray40')

signal(SIGINT, mr_lightboard.quit)

# start net slider server in separate thread 
print "Light 8.8: External input server DELETED!"
#import ExternalInput, thread

bindkeys(root,'<Escape>', mr_lightboard.quit)

root.bind_class("all","<ButtonPress-4>",lambda ev: eventtoparent(ev,"<ButtonPress-4>"))
root.bind_class("all","<ButtonPress-5>",lambda ev: eventtoparent(ev,"<ButtonPress-5>"))

print 'Light 8.8: "Uh...Shiny McShine?"'

if 1:
    while 1:
        root.update() # Receiver switches main
    from utils import runstats

#import profile"root.mainloop()","profile/idlemanysubs")